“We need to talk.”

Anyone who has heard those four words knows what comes next will not be easy.

Relationship endings can be some of the most traumatic life events a person goes through. When a person willingly walks away from your relationship, you are left there feeling abandoned, alone, and having to grieve a person who is still alive and well, choosing to continue their life without you. Break ups — whether it be romantic partners or friends — are particularly painful, but disregarded by many as a common life event.

You may have found this page if you…

  • Are experiencing a break up from someone you care about

  • Feel confused about a situationship with someone you have feelings for

  • Have been finding it difficult to move on from a past relationship

  • Are struggling with obsessive thoughts about your ex

  • Can’t stop checking your ex’s social media

  • Want to get back together with someone who ended your relationship

  • Feel rejected by someone who told you they don’t want to be together

… and everything in between.

The severity of the pain you are feeling is normal — but you need a place to process the pain and a plan for moving forward.

Humans are innately social creatures, hardwired for connection. We come with an attachment system that acts out in fear of abandonment and disconnection. When someone we are attached to chooses to end the relationship, our minds and bodies will do everything possible to change the outcome.

How can therapy help?

  • First we meet you where you are at. Let’s assess where you are and how you are coping with the status of your relationship.

  • We process what happened, how it felt then, and how it feels now.

  • We check-in about self-care: how are you taking care of yourself during this time of crisis? What are some ways you may get your body into somatic activities and distract your mind so that you can get relief from obsessive thoughts?

  • We establish boundaries and implement them in order to protect you from further pain.

  • We prepare for the future — you will love and be loved again.